måndag 7 november 2011

Day number 6 in the U.K.

Hi! How are you today? I’m doing just fine. This day has been long, but funny and exciting. As you know, I slept at Liz and Karl’s place last night. We sat up watching Friends for too long, but who doesn’t love Friends? Today I just have spent time with Liz, and the first thing we did this morning was to take a power walk in the city. We were so proud over us selves when we got back to the apartment. We saw a note on the fridge; it was from Karl saying that he had to go to Oslo for his job. But Liz and I had no problem with that, because of that we actually decided to drive too Nottingham. It took a lot of time to drive the whole way from Liverpool to Nottingham. But we were there around 4 o’clock and we wanted to do some sightseeing so we went to see the Nottingham Castle. Nottingham Castle is the historic heart of the legend Robin Hood and starting point for the English Civil War. The castle commands spectacular views over the city and once rivaled the great castles of Windsor and the Tower of London. So there Liz and I walked around to look at the beautiful castle, it was beautiful.

Later on we brought ourselves to the Sherwood Forest, since we already were on the Robin Hood track, with other words the Sherwood Forest are the legendary home of Robin Hood. The forest is a really inspiring nature, which exists of big oaks that can be up to 500 years old.  In the woods Liz and I walked around, talking, living up the feeling that the wood gave us and took a lot of photos.  Later on we took the car into the city to walk around in the streets, walk in some stores and finally to eat dinner. Which we did at a small and cozy Italian restaurant, we shared on a pizza. The adventure during the day was that we decided to sleep in the car! So here we actually sit in the car (I’m Mobil blogging) on a hidden dirt road. Yes, totally scary but still cozy, because we have lighten up some candles, are wrapped into blankets and are eating candy while we talk about our best memories ever. Some of you may wonder why we actually do this, well to answer your questions I would say: Because it’s something we haven’t done before, it’s exciting and scary and it’s going to be a great memory!

Well now I’m going to talk more with Liz then writing to you! This is the last night in the U.K.! So sad, but as said, it’s been great!

Sleep tight readers! Lots of love!

Pictures from today:
In the Sherwood Forest
The Nottingham Castle

Assuming costs of today:
To visit the castle and the forest – 280 SEK
½ Pizza – 55 SEK
Bought Candy – 30 SEK

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