måndag 7 november 2011

My last hours in United Kingdom (Day number 7)

When the alarm rang on my cellphone I woke up with a jolt.  Liz was already up and I saw her holding two Starbucks coffee’s in her hands, first I was confused why she hadn’t woke me up while she left to buy coffee. But then I understood when I saw her smile, it was because it was our last breakfast together! I enjoyed every little sip of the lovely coffee. But we couldn’t be delighted for such a longer time. I had to drive to the airport right ahead. I didn’t want to leave, there was so much more that I wanted to experience, with Liz, and with Karl! But there was nothing we could do about that. I will come back to United Kingdom one day or another. But carry on; when I dropped of Liz in the city we stood in each other’s arms for a long time. We haven’t known each other long, but it doesn’t really matter, we got to know each other so well on such a short time, but we promised each other to keep in touch. I had to stop on a gas station before I gave back my rented car next to the airport, which costs me 150 SEK. At the airport when all was done, I turned around to smell the last smell of England and look at the beautiful country for the last time for a while. I would miss this place, but the trip couldn’t be any better so the joy was in every piece of my body and it was still there when I landed in Sweden! I have had so much fun in England, and have learned and had the best experience for a long time. These memories from England will stay with me forever, for that I’m sure!

So this was all for me about the trip to England! Hope you all enjoyed it and got some ideas and tips whenever you will visit the interesting and beautiful country!

I had 50 000 SEK I could spend in England, and the sum that I have expended is around 15 000 SEK

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